Argentine Tango in Delhi

Weekend Quickstart
This weekend DelhiTango is back at Lok Kala Manch for an introduction to Argentine Tango: 2 hrs on Satuday and 2 hrs on Sunday afternoon. Note that “quick” only refers to starting. Have no illusions, tango is not a dance that you learn quickly. But if the journey is long, it’s also beautiful. From the first moment – if you allow it.

There is inner and there is outer beauty. The Weekend Quickstart will emphasise the inner, which comes from presence, posture, attitude and yes – technique. Hopefully you will leave with your own understanding of why it “takes 2 to tango” and how this conversation on the dance floor comes about.

For DelhiTango’s classes you never have to worry about coming with your own partner. Firstly, because we, miraculously, often have an even gender balance and secondly because every one will learn both to lead and follow. Being “tango-bilingual” gives you a deeper understanding and tends to make you a better dancer.

Lok Kala Manch – next to India Habitat Centre. Call if you need directions.
20 Lodhi Institutional Area

Saturday 27th February, 3-5 pm
Sunday 28th February, 3-5 pm

Rs 600/2hr class; Rs. 1100/4hr weekend

Shoe lecture
Almost forgot. Please carry the shoes you intend to dance in. For further explanation visit the website:

Further information and Signing up for classes
If you have any questions, please call or email. Do make a comittment by signing up ahead of time!
STINA: 98105 21347;

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