milonga Anjuna beach – Sunday, 11 December 2011 – restaurant Laguna

Anybody up for a milonga under an old mango tree on Laguna Anjuna’s beautiful veranda?

Sunday, 11 Dec 2011

start: 8 pm restaurant Laguna

Anjuna beach/ Goa

Pat, Tony, their lady-guest and Felix have confirmed and I will be there.

But two men and three women doesn’t make a milonga, so please come !

Laguna will allow us to dance and use their music system for free, but we pay for our food and drinks. It’s a stone floor outside and a polished one inside, so bring the right footwear !

Please confirm on Tango Goa’s FB page. Thanks !

Contact: mobile 9810184827 (Padma)

2 thoughts on “milonga Anjuna beach – Sunday, 11 December 2011 – restaurant Laguna”

  1. Pingback: Fred
  2. Pingback: Phillip

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