21 + 22 January, milongas and classes with Damian


Damian is in Bombay this weekend spending some time with the Mumbai and Pune communities. He is back on Tuesday, and will be at Dublin for the Milonga after 8:30 PM. He will also be available for Privates next week. As far as the next group workshops are concerened, we will have them at Ai on the 21st and 22nd. The schedule is enclosed below. Look forward to seeing everyone there… Call/text me for any questions you may have (95828-07840)

Sat, Jan 21 (Location Ai, MGF Metropolitan Mall Saket)

5:00 — 6:30 PM (All levels) Enganchada’s – learn the history and the simple elegance with which this technique is achieved. From the oldest emphasis of the step, to the most recent use of this dance changing step.

6:30-7:45 pm (Intermediate) – Barrida’s – simple barrida’s, understanding the technique to employ wherever the opportunity presents itself with the close leg of the follower. Useful for even those dancers with a great understanding of Barrida’s already.

8:00 – 9:00 (Practica at Ai)

Sun, Jan 22nd (Location Ai, MGF Metropolitan Mall Saket

5:00 — 6:45 pm (Intermediate) Boleo’s – “Con” or with boleo’s and “Contra” or against boleo’s. The ‘con’ refers to travelling in the same direction as the followers pivot to create a smooth soft boleo and the ‘contra’ is beginning in the same direction, but finishing in the opposite direction, hence, against.

7:00 PM onwards (Milonga at Ai restaraunt, Saket Mall. There is not fee to attend the Milonga and all are welcome)
Pricing —

• Individual workshop – Rs 600
• Private class with Damian – Rs 2,000
• Package of five private classes with Damian – Rs 9,000

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