We shall have 4 workshops, which will be followed by a milonga and some dazzling performances by them. The workshops and Milonga will be held at Tryst Music Cafe, Saket. New Delhi.
The workshops schedule is as following:
Saturday – 18th May 2013
1. Figures in Tango salon; simple and virtuous.
(for intermediate) 11.30 – 1.00pm
2.Volcadas; technique for volcadas and different variants
(for intermediate) 2.00 – 3.30 pm
Sunday 19th May
3. Giros for the man and the woman; functionality and implementation (for intermediate)
3.00- 4.30 pm
4..Colgadas technique for Colgadas and different variants.
(for intermediate) 5.00 – 6.30 pm
The Sunday workshops will be followed by a Milonga ( 7.15 pm) at the Tryst Music Cafe itself. Crisitna and Rojer have kindly agreed to dazzle us with some scintillating performances.
We are looking to take about 25 participants for the workshops on first come first served basis. A single workshop is priced at Rs. 750, 2 workshops at Rs. 1200, 3 workshops at Rs. 1800 and 4 workshops at Rs. 2000.
Tel # of venue– +011 46291139
Key contact — +91 9810526727 (Rakesh Founder 2ToTango)
Time (8:30 PM — Midnight)
Price — Free
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