Saturday, 7 January 2012 at 12:00 until
Sunday, 29 January 2012 at 13:30
Argentine Tango workshops and milongas
with International instructor Damian Thompson (Sydney)
We are very pleased to bring down Damian Thompson in January 2012. Damian will be in Delhi starting January 5th through the end of the month. In addition he will be visiting Bombay too, and spend time with the Bombay and Pune tango communities.
Many describe him as a very playful, fun teacher. Damian teaches and conveys the basic and essential concepts of the most complex moves in a systematic, logical fashion. He is a collaborator in the teaching and development of tango, a provocateur who inspires passion in the art of dancing tango.
Damian Thompson is at present based in Sydney. He began dancing many years ago and was a professional ballroom teacher and salsa teacher before becoming entangled in the web of tango. For the past 11 years, he has focused exclusively on Argentine tango and has taught and performed in many places around the world.
In the past 4 years, he has taught in Buenos Aires and in Europe, including Italy, Germany, Poland, Holland and Latvia. Over the past couple of years Damian toured and taught in the USA and Canada and performed with some of their most famous dancers. New York was the highlight, with him being asked to perform at the most popular milongas and also on New Yearʼs Eve. Some of those performances are available on YouTube.
Damian has also been invited to perform for The Royal Australian Ballet Company in Melbourne. Recently, he has of course, been teaching in his own country, Australia – and whilst on tour has performed in every city and community in Australia with a recent highlight at the Darwin Festival to Gurrumul’s award winning music (with permission).
His own style is based on years of learning from many different maestros and different tango styles from Gustavo and Giselle, to Chicho Frumboli, Roberto Herrera, Fabrizio Forti, Mariana Dragone, Sebastian Arce and Mariana Montes and quite a few others to round out his learning for a much broader understanding of Tango. His teaching is based up on an on-axis style and using the principles of technique to achieve a symbiotic relationship with both the music and his partner.
Starting January 7th, we have planned a series of workshops in Delhi. Damian will also be available for private and semi-private groups.
Current workshop schedule (Location – private studio in GK2)
Sat, Jan 7th
1:00 -2:30 pm (All Level) Connection in Tango – There are secrets to the connection. We will discover and share the secrets of how to create better connection and communication with our partners in tango.
3:00 -4:30 pm (All level) – Frame Dynamics and the Secrets of Leading and Following – this workshops develops concepts to further enhance your skills as an already great social dancer.
Sun, Jan 8th
1:00 -2:30 pm (All Level) Change of Weight – employing the change of weight to develop exciting opportunities in both cross system and parallel system.
3:00 – 4:30 pm (All Level) Cross System Magic – Understanding how cross system differs from Parallel system. Methodology to enter and leave systems in a smooth fashion with seamless effort.
7:00 PM onwards (Milonga at Ai restaraunt, Saket Mall)
Tue, Jan 10th
7:00-8:30 pm (All Level) – Engancho’s – with the simple methodology of tic tac toe, you will now begin to understand where, when and why the engancho is and amazingly simple step with so many possibilities. For advanced to master dancers, learn how to apply this for the leader to employ and so followers easily understand.
8:30 onwards Milonga at Dublin, ITC Maurya
Thur, Jan 12th
6:30-7:45 pm (Intermediate) – Barrida’s – simple barrida’s, understanding the technique to employ wherever the opportunity presents itself with the close leg of the follower. Useful for even those dancers with a great understanding of Barrida’s already.
8:00-9:15 pm (Intermediate) – To Gancho, or Not to Gancho – Not just should I? But when should I? How are gancho’s done to different parts of the music? Timings for Con Gancho’s (slower and sultry), and Contra Gancho’s (sharper and faster). What parts of the music ask for, or could be used with the sharp expression of a Gancho, or softly done.
Friday, Jan 13th
Private Milonga 8:00 PM onwards. Location TBD
Damian’s Bombay schedule (Jan 14 – Jan 20). Please coordinate with Kitu Gidwani.
Sat, Jan 21st
1:00 -2:30 pm Enganchada’s – learn the history and the simple elegance with which this technique is achieved. From the oldest emphasis of the step, to the most recent use of this dance changing step.
3:00 -4:30 pm Change of Direction – simple changes of direction using contra body movement and also homo-lateral movement. Employed within the media giro for a sexy connected exit.
Sun, Jan 22nd
1:00 -2:30 pm Boleo’s – “Con†or with boleo’s and “Contra†or against boleo’s. The ‘con’ refers to travelling in the same direction as the followers pivot to create a smooth soft boleo and the ‘contra’ is beginning in the same direction, but finishing in the opposite direction, hence, against.
3:00 – 4:30 pm Creating opportunities with the contra boleo – leading the follower to more exciting exit strategies using the contra boleo.
7:00 PM onwards (Milonga at Ai restaraunt, Saket Mall)
Tue, Jan 24th
7:30-8:30 pm Cross to Cross – using a more subtle weight change for cross system to lead the follower to the cross, giving the follower more time for adornments.
8:30 onwards Milonga at Dublin, ITC Maurya
Thur, Jan 26th
6:30-7:45 pm (Intermediate) – Vals – Find the secrets within Vals! Timing – is it a 1-2 vals, or a 3-1 vals… How to work the vals for maximum pleasure!
8:00-9:15 pm (Intermediate) – Isolating the Lead – 2 for 1, 3 for 1 – learning how to lead so either person is able to do continuous steps without the partner taking any steps. 2 steps for 1, or 3 steps for 1. (Note – cross system Leader outside partner left switching to parallel works in reverse with LOD)
Friday, Jan 27th
6:45-7:45 pm (Intermediate/Advanced) Introduction to Colgadas – what is a colgada? How to identify the elements within a colgada and what to avoid for colgadas
Farewell Milonga for Damian either on Friday Jan 27th or Saturday Jan 28th.
For further details on the workshops/Privates please contact me via email or mobile ( or mobile (95828-07840). Bombay and Pune Folks please coordinate with Kitu Gidwani.
Pricing for Delhi (For Mumbai please coordinate with Kitu Gidwani)
• Individual workshop – Rs 600
• Ten workshops – Rs 5,500
• 15 workshops – Rs 7,500
• Private class with Damian – Rs 2,000
• Package of five private classes with Damian – Rs 9,000
• Semi-Private groups – Rs 700 (Upto four couple in either studio or private residence, Please contact Ashwin Ravindranath for further details and booking)
Look forward to seeing a fantastic turnout….